
Testing process overview

The testing process consists of veryfing that all the services implemented by ATS work as expected in the development/UAT environment and then in the live environment.

If you encounter any problems during tests, please see if you can find the answer to your question in our FAQ. If you can’t find the solution there, please contact the Quick-Apply Team directly (see Contact tab).

Testing Scenarios

Before starting tests, job offers should be prepared that will allow veryfing the following test cases:

Job Details Service test cases:

  • Empty lists are returned if the job offer does not contain any screening questions nor privacy policies; Job Status = ACTIVE
  • Screening questions and privacy policies are returned in the proper structure (at least one screening questions and one privacy policy); Job Status = ACTIVE
  • Job status = EXPIRED

Apply Service test cases:

  • Successful job application without screening questions answers
  • Successful job application with screening questions answers
  • Unsuccessful job application: no answers to the required screening questions have been submitted (return Status = ERROR, ErrorMsg = UNANSWERED_QUESTIONS, BackUrl contains the URL to which the jobseeker will be redirected – the URL of the job application page directly in the ATS)
  • Application to an expired job offer (returned Status = ERROR, ErrorMsg = JOB_NOT_AVAILABLE)

The URLs of all the job offers used for the tests should be sent over to the Quick-Apply Team for the verification purpose.

Job Board Mock

Job Board Mock (https://www.test.at-ats.com/ats-mock-site/apply.html)  is a tool that allows ATS development teams to enter test data and submit it via Quick-Apply to the ATS endpoints.

The Quick-Apply team will inform you which Job Board ID to select.

ing Job Details Service

To test the Job Details Service, open Job Details Service Tab and fill in Job URL and Job Board ID fields and click Get Job Details button.
The expected results are:

  • For a job offer without screening questions and without privacy policies:

  • For a job offer with screening questions and privacy policies:

  • For an EXPIRED job offer:

Testing Apply Service

To test the Apply Service, open Apply Service Tab and fill in all required data (marked with a red asterisk) as well as answers to the screening questions (if testing a job offer with screening questions).

The expected results are as follows:

  • For a successful application:

  • For an expired job offer (ErrorMsg = JOB_NOT_AVAILABLE):

  • For a job application with missing answers (clicking on a Redirect button should redirect to the ATS apply form):

Testing phases

Testing in the development/UAT environment

Before testing in the development / UAT environment:

  • provide the Quick-Apply Development Team with the URLs of Job Details and Apply services that will be used in development testing
  • send over job offer URLs that you want to use for testing in the development environment
  • whitelist the IPs of the Quick-Apply sandbox servers:

During tests in the development environment services can be tested using:

Once all the test cases have passed, an email to the Quick-Apply Team should be sent to verify the results. After the verification, implemented services could be promoted to the live environment.

Testing in the live environment

Tests in the live environment are carried out by the Quick-Apply Team


  • I keep getting error ATS_OFFLINE.
    Things to verify:
    the job URL you are using for tests is exactly the same as you sent to ATS to be configured.
    the Job Board Id you use is the one you received from ATS
Updated on 2020-02-05

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