
Pull feed defines the list of current jobs workflow. In this workflow the customer provides us with a list of vacancies available that should be displayed on our site at the particular time. If a job appears in the list provided, it is added to the StepStone site, if a job is removed from the list, it is taken offline from the StepStone site. If a job is updated, the update will be reflected on the StepStone site.

In this workflow a job ad will remain visible on the StepStone site until it disappears from the provided list of vacancies or contract duration ends.

The pull type of integration assumes that StepStone acquires data from the customer. The preferred medium is XML (for example RSS or any other custom XML format) as it provides all the necessary data in a well-defined way. The files can be retrieved using HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Pull type feeds are triggered to run by schedulers and it has to be agreed with StepStone on how often they run.

How it works

Pull type integration works as follows:

A feed is triggered to run by the scheduler. The list of vacancies available is then downloaded and compared to the content of the StepStone site for the given customer. Each listing is examined and the decision is made whether the listing is new, was updated or deleted or should be ignored as nothing has been changed.

The most common causes of failures are sources containing a list of unavailable links to current vacancies, changes in the data structure or missing mandatory data.

Updated on 2024-06-27

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