Quick Guide

Data Flow

Quick-Apply integration enables data to flow from the jobseeker’s web browser to the ATS. Quick-Apply allows two integration methods.

Basic Apply – integration option that only posts a jobseeker’s application to the ATS system.

SQ Apply – integration option that allows posting a jobseeker’s application together with answers to screening questions. This integration consists of:

  • Job Details Service that obtains screening questions, privacy policies, and job status from an ATS
  • Apply Service that provides ATS with all application data (as with Basic Apply method) and answers to given screening questions.

If ATS requires more info from a jobseeker, they can be redirected to the ATS apply page to complete the application process. All data entered on the Job Board can be used by the ATS to pre-populate the application form. ATS should inform Quick-Apply whether the application has been successfully submitted using a “magic pixel” (details in Application Tracking).

Quick-Apply data flow:


Basic Apply SQ Apply
1. The jobseeker opens a job posting page on a Job Board. X X
2. Job Board requests job details by calling Quick-Apply Job Details Service. X
3. Quick-Apply calls ATS’s Job Details service. X
4. ATS returns job details including screening questions, privacy policies, and job status. X
5. Quick-Apply passes job details retrieved from ATS to the Job Board. X
6. Job details are presented to the jobseeker. X X
7. The jobseeker fills in application information including answers to the screening questions to the Job Board. X X
8. The Job Board sends the data to Quick-Apply. X X
9. Quick-Apply converts the data and posts it to the ATS Apply Service. X X
10. The ATS responds either with:

  1. success message (if the application can be completed using just the Job Board data)
  2. BackUrl (to redirect the jobseeker to a pre-filled version of the apply page if the application could not be completed using the Job Board data)
  3. with an error message (if an error occurs)
11. Quick-Apply transfers the response to the Job Board. X X
12. The Job Board sends a response to the jobseeker. X X
13. The jobseeker is redirected to the ATS page (only in case when Job Board data was not enough to successfully apply). ATS can pre-populate its apply page with the data acquired from Apply Service. ATS should inform Quick-Apply whether the application has been successfully submitted using a “magic pixel”. X X

Quick Guide:

The table below describes the steps needed to implement integration with Quick-Apply.

No. What to do? Who?
1 Build ATS services:

The services should accept JSON documents from Quick-Apply (HTTPS protocol, REST method, application/json content type).

For details go to: “ATS Services Definition“.

ATS Developers
2 Configure ATS endpoints addresses mappings in the Quick-Apply test environment. ATS must provide job URLs (for all the jobs which will be tested) in the ATS test system and details of the static endpoints of Job Details service and Apply service – URLs where Quick-Apply will send requests). Quick-Apply Developers
3 Test the service using the Job Board Mock page.
For details go to: “Testing“.
ATS Developers
4 Configure ATS endpoints addresses mappings in live. Quick-Apply Developers
5 Perform live tests of the integration.

Submit real applications from a Job Board, monitor the outcome in Quick-Apply and ATS. ATS must provide job URLs for all the job offers to be tested in the live ATS system.

ATS & Quick-Apply Developers

Job Details Service logic

The logical processing steps for an ATS after receiving a request for Job Details are as follows:

  1. Check the submitted job URL and match with the existing job offer
  2. Retrieve the following details:
    1. Job status: active, expired
    2. Screening questions
    3. Privacy Policies
  3. Send the above job details to the ATSI


Apply Service logic

The logical processing steps for an ATS after receiving an application via Quick-Apply are as follows:

  1. Check if the jobseeker’s email is recognised.
    1. If No, either automatically create an account using a random password (and send a confirmation email, with a re-set link), or divert the jobseeker to the ATS account creation page with an email pre-populated. They will then add a password. It is most common to redirect the jobseeker to an account setup page.
    2. If Yes, either automatically log the jobseeker in, or divert the jobseeker to the login page with an email pre-populated. They will then enter a password. It is most common to redirect the jobseeker to the login page.
  2. If Quick-Apply has provided all required details to complete the application, return a success message without BackURL. The jobseeker will then see the Job Board application confirmation page. If you wish to display the ATS application confirmation page, return a success message and a BackURL to the ATS’s application confirmation page.
  3. If there are additional fields required to be entered, return a success message and a BackURL to a bespoke page pre-populated with jobseeker details. It is recommended that this page has an access period of 24 hours with maximum access of 5 views in that period. The page should become unavailable after this time. This bespoke page should be the entry point to the rest of your applying workflow (where you can use other data sent by Quick-Apply if needed).
  4. If there is a failure – e.g. the job has expired, return an error response with a relevant error code that matches our list of accepted values.
Updated on 2020-01-07

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