Status codes

status code description action conditions
100 no error, status ok
204 listing title missing add listing title and resend resend after adjustment
205 language missing add language and resend resend after adjustment
206 reference missing add reference and resend resend after adjustment
207 action missing add action and resend resend after adjustment
209 no valid contract resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
210 no credits resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
220 no matching credentials resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
222 free renew is not allowed resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
230 missing orga-mapping resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
312 no plus contract resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
313 no plus credits resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
314 no internship contract resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
315 no internship credits resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
320 Jobtitle exceeds 200 characters shorten job title and resend resend after adjustment
331 Video Provider not allowed remove or correct path to video resend after adjustment
403 feed is deprecated please contact your responsible StepStone customer service person
408 Internal timeout resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100
500 server error resend one time in an hour until the status code changes to 100

Please consider all status codes that are not in this list as “internal issues handled by StepStone”.
Customer will be informed by StepStone in case it is necessary.

Updated on 2020-01-06

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